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New Mental Health Training for Managers


The American Psychiatric Association Foundation’s Center for Workplace Mental Health has launched Notice. Talk. Act.® at Work, an e-Learning training that responds to the high demand for an easily accessible, comprehensive mental health training that supports leaders and people managers in understanding the impact of mental health on employees and their organizations. The training will help leaders and people managers to:

  • Notice changes that are not typical for a person and may be signs of potential mental health concerns.
  • Know how to talk with a person they may be concerned about.
  • Be better equipped to act by connecting a person with services and supports.

The 35-minute training includes ten practical scenarios for skill checks, access to high impact resources for a deeper dive on key areas, and once the training has been completed, trainees receive a certificate and badge of completion.

Notice. Talk. Act.® at Work is now available for purchase through a one-year delivery agreement. The pricing structure is based on the total number of employees within an organization, as the training supports the mental health and well-being of all employees, not just those who complete it.

Ready to make a commitment to creating a mentally healthy workplace? Visit or email [email protected] to join the growing list of organizations signing up for Notice. Talk. Act.® at Work.

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