Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that occurs in people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events such as natural disasters, serious accidents, terrorist incidents, war, or violent personal assaults. The disorder can be diagnosed in individuals who directly experience or witness a traumatic event but also in those who are indirectly exposed (such as learning that a violent trauma occurred to a loved one) or who repeatedly experience aspects of a traumatic event through their professional work (such as emergency medical technicians and fire and police personnel).
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Headline News & Resources
Leveraging Employer Groups to Advance Mental Health
Employer coalitions are powerful mechanisms for effecting change. There are 50+ coalitions across the country and, together, they represent 45 million people. If you are an employer, join a coalition. If you are already a member of a coalition, use your voice to encourage your organization to focus on mental health.
Benefits Professional of the Year Creates a Balance for Akamai Employees
Work life balance can almost seem unattainable in a highly competitive, highly demanding tech industry - notorious for fast-paced projects and harried employees.
Emotional Health 'Vital to a High-performing Culture'
Emotional health must be addressed if employers want to make a significant change to the health and happiness of their workforce.
Suicidality and Death-by-suicide Sharply Rising Among Middle-aged Adults in the U.S.
Data from the National Vital Statistics System show that 45- to 64- year-olds had the highest increase in the death rate for suicide between 1999 and 2014 compared to other age groups.