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The Center Launches New Podcast and Webinar


The Center introduces a new podcast to support employers in effectively addressing workplace mental health with two new episodes and more to come. Also, a new webinar series opens on October 30 at 3:00 p.m., co-hosted with Employer's Health. These resources compliment growing Mental Health Works offerings. We encourage employers to use these resources in fostering a mentally healthy workplace now and in the future.

Listen to our New Podcast Episodes

  • Depression 9–to–5
  • Mental Illness Awareness Week: How Employers Can be Supportive!

The Podcast brings you experts tackling the biggest issues facing employers and innovative approaches to promoting mental health and well-being. You'll hear from experts on what works in raising awareness, reducing stigma, improving organizational culture and improving access to timely, effective and affordable mental health and substance use services and supports.

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Register for our Upcoming Webinar

Moving in the Right Direction...on Depression Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 3:00 p.m. ET
Hosted by The Center for Workplace Mental Health and Employer's Health

Depression impacts 16 million U.S. adults and costs the U.S. economy $210 billion annually. More than half of those with depression do not get treatment impacting productivity, disability rates, performance and retention. Hear from mental health experts about the critical role workplaces play in raising depression awareness, encouraging help-seeking behavior and preventing suicide.

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Headline News & Resources

Half of millennials and 75% of Gen-Zers have quit jobs for mental health reasons

A recent survey revealed younger generations seeming to have more awareness about mental health than their older counterparts. Millennials were three times more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety than baby boomers, and Gen-Zers were four times more likely. Not surprisingly, millennials in the survey were also 63% more likely to know how to seek company support. This may be due in part by cultural changes, giving employers greater reason to address mental health.

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Why 44% of Men Struggle with Anxiety at Work

Overall, stress, depression, anxiety and burnout are at record levels in most western cultures. Unfortunately, stigma and disparaging attitudes are causing many to feel uneasy about admitting that they are struggling. To turn this trend around, men across the UK from a broad range of industries were interviewed to reveal the unspoken truths about their mental-well-being in relation to their work environment and career.

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Male Suicide Prevention in the Workplace

According to a recent report, some male-dominated industries are seeing higher rates of suicide in the U.S. These industries include engineering, construction, maintenance and farming to name a few. This makes a more compelling case as to why raising awareness and creating a supportive work culture is key for employers.

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