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[Virtual Town Hall] Beating Burnout: Small Changes Lead to Big Results in the Workplace


Tuesday, May 31 from 3:00 - 3:50 p.m. EDT

Burnout is impacting workplaces across industries. Meeting work expectations, while facing excessive stress brought on by the pandemic and challenging times has driven up workplace burnout. Employers increasingly see the cost of burnout in retention, worker engagement, and productivity. Addressing burnout is not costly and not complicated.

This Virtual Town Hall will feature ways to beat burnout by covering:

  • What does burnout look and feel like?
  • How does burnout impact mental health and well-being? Why is burnout becoming a higher priority for employers?
  • What steps can employers take to address burnout?
  • Join us to learn how you can make small changes with big results when it comes to burnout at your organization.

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