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The Center for Workplace Mental Health provides employers with the tools, resources and information needed to promote and support the mental health of employees and their families.

While treatment works and is cost effective, many people who need help are not getting it, despite the availability of services and supports through employee assistance programs (EAPs) and mental health benefit coverage.

Employers increasingly recognize that untreated mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety, lead to costly challenges, including:

  • Absenteeism
  • Significantly reduced productivity
  • Increased health care and disability costs

Our team works with employers, business groups on health, health-focused coalitions and other strategic partners to solve challenges and highlight innovative approaches to improving workplace mental health and making it a higher organizational priority.

The Center engages employers and our other partners in eliminating stigma, reducing barriers to care, raising broader mental health awareness, improving and implementing mental health programs, and designing benefits that improve employee mental health. This work is done through turn-key programs, toolkits, employer case studies, topical resources, publications and more.

Better workplace mental health policies and practices improve employee productivity and quality of life for all those affected by mental health issues.

Join our growing network of more than 10,000 employers and learn how you can better serve your employees' mental health needs.

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