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Infographic: The Collaborative Care Model

For more on The Collaborative Care Model, visit our Collaborative Care topic page

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The Collaborative Care Model: A Smart Investment with High ROI

Making the Business Case

  • Mental health conditions are common impacting 1 in 5 adults in the US.
  • These conditions impact performance, productivity, retention and more.
  • Global rates of depression and anxiety are rising at a rate of 15 to 20% over the last decade.
  • Mental health conditions are costly, take depression, costing the US economy $210 billion annually.

The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM)

  • Quality mental health treatment can be difficult to access.
  • When accessible and done right, mental health treatment works.
  • Yet, 1/2 of people with depression go untreated.
  • Many people start with their PCP and do not connect to effective care for multiple reasons:
    • PCP inadequate knowledge and resources
    • Shortage of mental health providers or long wait lists
    • Inadequate mental health provider networks
    • Stigma
    • Lack of engagement in treatment
  • The CoCM delivers effective mental health care in primary care with a care team led by the primary care provider (PCP), and including a behavioral health care manager and consulting psychiatrist.

Benefits of CoCM

  • Provides access to mental health care that is timely, effective, less costly and less stigmatizing.
  • Engages people in their treatment so they can get back on track.
  • Effective, supported by over 80 randomized clinical trials.
  • For every $1 spend on care delivered in the CoCM, there is a $6.50 ROI in improved health and productivity.
  • Received care in CoCM, employers can see a combined cost savings of $1815 per employee per year in health care spend and improved productivity.
  • Results in knowledge transfer from psychiatrists to PCPs and leaves PCPs feeling more comfortable delivering behavioral health care, increasing access to care.

What Can Employers Do to Support Employees and Access to Care?

  • Confirm that your health plan has turned on the CoCM CPT billing codes (99492, 99493, 99494).
  • Request data from your health plans on use of the CoCM CPT billing codes.
  • Request that health plans provide ongoing support for provider technical assistance and training in implementing the CoCM.

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