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Lakeside Industries: Tackling Stigma and Making it Safe to Talk about Mental Health


Safety has been engrained in the family-caring culture of Lakeside Industries. And part of addressing safety includes also focusing on employee mental health and well-being. Lakeside's leadership sees this as a valued aspect of the company's operation.

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Headline News & Resources

The Path Forward Initiative

While rates of suicide and drug-related deaths are at an all-time high, employers can make a difference. Employers can play a powerful role in minimizing the burden of inadequate access to care for mental health and substance use for Americans across the country. This initiative emphasizes five key areas in which employers and health plans play an important role in addressing access to mental health and substance use care.

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Webinar: Moving in the Right Direction on Depression and Suicide Awareness

Depression impacts 16 million U.S. adults and costs the U.S. economy $210 billion annually. More than half of those with depression do not get treatment impacting productivity, disability rates, performance and retention. In this webinar you will hear from two mental health experts about the critical role workplaces play in raising depression awareness, encouraging help-seeking behavior and preventing suicide.

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Affordability of Mental Health Coverage Raising Concerns

According to a survey released by Transamerica Center for Health Studies (TCHS), almost all employers acknowledge the importance of mental health and want to take action to address it. The many challenges around coverage have employers strategizing ways to address affordability and effective care.

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