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Mental Health Works Issues


Depression: A Costly Condition for Businesses

Why are more employers focusing on workplace mental health? Because they recognize it is costly to ignore. Depression costs employers an estimated $44 billion each year in lost productivity. About half of employees with depression are untreated. Yet with proper treatment, people with depression can get better. The key is to help employees access effective care.


Why Addressing Workplace Stress Is Important for Employers

The demands and challenges of work can result in high stress for some employees, which, in turn, can be costly for employers. Employers can address and reduce work stress by focusing on prevention, intervention and support.


Workplace Bullying: Employers Can Take Steps to Stop It

Bullying may seem like an issue that only kids encounter; however, it's an issue becoming far more relevant in the workplace. When employers don't address workplace bullying, they could see higher healthcare costs and absenteeism.


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that occurs in people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events such as natural disasters, serious accidents, terrorist incidents, war, or violent personal assaults.


Anxiety Disorders: What Employers Need to Know

Anxiousness, fear, and worry are normal human experiences and in some instances, are even adaptive and helpful for our survival. Most people feel a little nervous before a big speech, a job interview, or a visit to the doctor. But in anxiety disorders, those feelings are crippling, extreme, and/or persistent.


Anxiety Disorders: Why They Matter and What Employers Can Do

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States, affecting 18% of American adults and as many as 33% of people at any point in their lifetime. Globally, anxiety disorders are the sixth-leading cause of disability (defined by years of life lived with disability), with greater rates of disability occurring in females and in people aged 15 to 34 years.

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