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The ICU Program is an awareness campaign made especially for the workplace, designed to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and foster a workplace culture that supports emotional health. Developed by DuPont’s Employee Assistance Program, the ICU Program was delivered to each of their 70,000 employees worldwide. DuPont has since donated ICU to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, who now makes it available to employers across all sectors, industries, and sizes, cost-free.

The ICU Program points out that just as people with a physical injury or illness may require help through an Intensive Care Unit, people with a psychological/emotional injury or illness may also require help from one another. Thus, “ICU” becomes “I See You.”

The ICU Program offers employers three steps to take in order to help those affected by mental health issues:

  1. Identify the signs of distress.
  2. Connect with the person experiencing distress.
  3. Understand the way forward together.

Understanding the way forward together can be as simple as having a simple conversation with an employee in need, or using the mental health benefits and programs available through your organization.

ICU Videos

The core component of the ICU Program is a five-minute video that teaches employees about emotional health and how to appropriately connect with distressed peers at the workplace who may need support. The video comes in two versions, both with the same message, but conveyed by different characters. ICU is designed to be used in tandem with your organization's existing mental health and wellness programs - it does not replace them.

Version 1: Woman wearing a business suit

Version 2: Man wearing a hard hat

Also available in Spanish language video version and Portuguese language video version.

Implementation Guide

This guide provides an overview of the ICU Program and how it should be implemented in the workplace. It offers suggestions on planning, implementation, and measurement, as well as how to utilize other available ICU Program components.

Download the ICU Implementation Guide (.pdf)

Leadership Presentation

This presentation is a PowerPoint deck that can be customized to fit the unique messaging of each organization. It provides a high-level review of the ICU program, the business case for addressing mental health in the workplace, and sample strategies for rolling out the program at your company. It should be tailored to the specific implementation plans of your organization, including where employees should go for additional support, such as the employee assistance program.

Download the ICU Leadership Presentation (.pptx)


The ICU flyer can be distributed along with the video or in follow up communications to employees. It reinforces the video’s key messages and lists resources for additional support. A customizable version of the flyer is also available, easily modified to list your company’s specific EAP and benefits provider contact information.

Download the ICU Flyer (.docx)

Download the Customizable ICU Flyer (.docx)

Email/Intranet Template

The ICU email template provides sample language to be used whenever you share the ICU video by email and/or company intranet.

Download the ICU Email/Intranet Template (.docx)


The ICU Program logo can be used for any support materials you create. The grayscale logo can be used alongside your own organization’s logo, or you may choose to modify the ICU logo with your own brand colors. (If you plan to modify the logo to fit existing brand colors, you will need an .eps version of the file that allows you to do that in Photoshop, among other editing platforms. Please contact us to get the .eps version

Download the ICU Logo (.jpg)

Instructions for Embedding the ICU Video

A brief instruction sheet is available to assist you if you choose to embed the video onto your own organization's website. Beyond these provided instructions, please work with your organization’s information technology professionals for further assistance.

Download the ICU Video Instructions (.pdf)

Pre/Post Evaluation Questionnaires

One simple way to evaluate the effects of your ICU Program is to conduct pre- and post-implementation surveys to help determine what influence the program is having on the behavior of your employees, and whether the program is affecting organizational culture.

Download the Pre/Post Evaluation Questionnaires (.pdf)

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